Nomination and award

It is the 13th year of the Moldons Pharmaceuticals UK International Environmental Award and we invite you to help us identify our 2020 award winner. As per previous years, we encourage nominations of candidates who have contributed to our understanding of pharmaceuticals impact on the environment. Environmental matters in line with the award criteria are also of high interest and nominations will be considered.


Nominations for our 2020 award are now being accepted. Do you know a person or organisation whose work deserves to be recognised? Anyone can nominate and all candidates will be evaluated, with a winner selected by a panel made up of both Moldons Pharmaceuticals UK executives and earlier winners of the award.

The award

The award is presented annually. The winning laureate will receive a glass sculpture, a diploma of achievement and a cash award of 3000 Euro.

The Moldons Pharmaceuticals UK 2017 International Environmental Award winner Roselyn George accepts her award at the official prize-giving ceremony which took place in UK, August 2018.

Learn more about this year's winner and all previous Moldons Pharmaceuticals UK International Environmental Award laureates here >>